Based in London HQ, Gyöngyi Mezey has been working as Senior PV Process Consultant at Insife since 2021. Her primary role is as advisor to companies in the health care sector helping them get an understanding of PV-regulations and showing them how to implement digital solutions ensuring them effective, automated and compliant handling.
From Practitioner to Advisor
According to Gyöngyi she is highly focused on the processes, both within the companies and in relations with the numerous different interests surrounding them. Something which is probably due to her unique background and professional profile:
“I have a background as a practitioner. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BSc), specialised in physiotherapy, from Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest, Hungary, and for 10 years I worked as such. The last 2 years owning my own practice.
These years having daily contact with patients, handling pharmaceutical products and being in close interaction with both the different public institutions, private suppliers of health care products and struggling to navigate the compliance-regime gave me a profound understanding of the need to develop solid and effective digital solutions and – very importantly – make them easily available.
Later – when I changed to the supplier side – my perspective got both broader and deeper. I worked my way from patient safety specialist and quality controller to a specialization in implementing PV as part of operations. In short, a development from a product-specific to a more management-oriented approach. Combined with my experience as a practitioner this gave me a multifaceted frame of reference”.
Battling the Myth
Gyöngyi has worked in some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, but she maintains that the small to midsize companies are a focal point to her:
“There is a misconception that implementing digital solutions to handle PV is only relevant or available to large corporations. But first of all, we need to be clear about the implications of not complying with regulations. Companies risk facing severe sanctions if they don’t secure correct and adequate documentation and reporting. No matter how big or small they are. However, I know how much these companies struggle, and therefore it is critical that we get the message across, that there is an available alternative to handling PV manually”.
And that – the availability - Gyöngyi maintains, needs to be a prioritized point:
“That is a key message. I think – combined with the unawareness of the serious ramifications of not complying with PV-regulations, there is a notion that digital PV-solutions are only within reach – seen from an economic and commercial perspective – if you are in the big enterprise segment. Knowledge about the availability of SaaS cloud solutions with a very low barrier of entry in terms of cost and with tools to tailor and scale perfectly according to size and needs is often absent among marketers in the small to midsize range.
And that is actually tragic since the small to midrange companies are even more dependent on not being burdened by having to allocate resources to manual handling and getting access to lean automated processing”.
Closing the Gap
“It is a question of closing the gap”, Gyöngyi explains, elaborating:
“I find that PV-managers often lack the support from senior management to implement the necessary digital solutions. An absence of support stemming from insufficient business cases. Therefore, it is an essential part of my job as an advisor to both the PV-managers and CxOs to present them with the needed cases to illustrate both the critical demand and the huge advantages in terms of R&D and ultimately commercially and thereby closing the gap within the companies”.
Gyöngyi works closely primarily with clients located in the UK, but also participates as an expert when Insife hosts webinars and roundtables.
Most recently she delivered insights and advise on how marketeers are to tackle the challenges in relations with Brexit.
Among others Gyöngyi Mezey has previously worked at