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Regulatory Intelligence re-imagined

Updated: Sep 23, 2022

We have re-imagined what a great Regulatory Intelligence service would look like. A team at Insife is dedicated to delivering global regulatory intelligence, specifically catered to pharmacovigilance customers. This new service is added to our previous "Global Regulatory Intelligence Club for Pharmacovigilance" concept. Collectively, this is a unique offering, consisting of a comprehensive collection of global requirements that have been collected and analyzed by our pharmacovigilance experts - we "crowd-source" the truth by having the members of the club provide their view-points. Then it is also a networking opportunity, specifically for Pharmacovigilance professionals that are involved in the value-chain of identifying, assessing and implementing requirements.

The regulatory intelligence is added to our HALOPV technology platform and all members enjoy access to a structured set of records, with global requirements but also directly actionable rules that can be used for automating processes in your safety database, for the PSMF etc.

Get further information about pricing and join the club by writing to us on

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