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Swiss Data Protection Act Emphasizes Global Regulatory Awareness

New Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection underlines importance of keeping up to date with global regulatory intelligence.

Earlier this year, the Swiss government announced new legislation in order to create greater data protection for all Swiss citizens. To be launched on 1st September this year, the new act seeks to bring citizens the same protection as GDPR and UK GDPR and brings new obligations for companies conducting business in Switzerland. However, it is apparent that companies should not assume that the laws are the same as those governed by GDPR or any of the other data protection legislation used across the globe. There are in fact key differences between the Swiss laws and other territories and it is clear that companies working globally, need to be sure that their data protection guidelines fall within any binding legislature in that country.

These complexities are very similar to those faced by pharma companies who have to consider drug safety regulations across the globe. Pharmacovigilance (PV) is of course heavily regulated and often scrutinized by the public. It is also regularly, and sometimes rapidly, changing in all territories and with many local variations. It is true that PV has been overrun by changes in regulations for the past two decades and thus it is imperative that companies keep up with regulatory intelligence at all times. However, this can be a very complex job. Not only can it take multiple staff members to work through the data collection, it can take a considerable time to interpret new requirements and convert them into actionable rules.

Insife, however, offers a unique service that can help pharma companies and biotechs, big and small, as well as CROs, to take on that work for them. GRIP, the Global Regulatory Intelligence Club for Pharmacovigilance, is a one-of-a-kind subscription club consisting of a comprehensive collection of global requirements, that have been collected and analyzed by our pharmacovigilance experts. It is also an excellent networking group for PV professionals that are involved in the value-chain of identifying, assessing and implementing requirements.

Subscription to GRIP is simple and offers the following benefits:

  1. Access to all global PV requirement documents and associated actionable rules (currently covering 157 countries)

  2. An online PROHALO environment, where these rules can be easily accessed, searched, sorted, filtered, listed and exported. (If your company already has HALOPV or PROHALO, we will load any additional requirements into your current environment for you)

  3. Ongoing invitations to networking opportunities in the club as well as continuous dialog with our experts

We would love to discuss GRIP with you and explain further how we can help take the pain out of your regulatory intelligence needs. So please drop us an email at We look forward to hearing from you.

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